Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Luke's Vehicle Plight Makes Evening News

Luke's dilemma over his Jeep reached the ears of KUSI TV's Michael Turko and he interviewed Luke on Monday and it was broadcast last evening on San Diego's channel 9 news. The news cast and interview can be viewed here -

Monday, February 23, 2009

Soon off to the Mayo Clinic

Luke recently received a referral to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and is scheduled for examinations and evaluations on March 17, 18 and 19 of his brachial plexus injury. He has had no improvement in either sensations or movement with his left arm. If they determine that surgery is necessary, it will be on March 24. Pray that the doctors will be able to diagnose and repair his nerve injuries.

Luke is still waiting to receive his prosthetic leg. Insurance is the current hold up as they must evaluate and determine that the microprocessor leg is necessary for Luke. Pray that the decision will come quickly and he will be able to get the leg that SCOPe is recommending for him.

Despite the frustrations of the delays with his leg and taking care of the bills that are coming in, Luke remains in good spirits.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Playing the Waiting Game

Luke is patiently (more or less!) waiting to get his prosthetic leg. He has waited a couple of weeks as his leg was shrinking. Now he is on hold until they figure out what to do about some random bone growth in his leg. During his final leg surgery they put a hole through the end of his femur to attach the leg muscles to. They believe some material seeped out of the hole and some bone tissue has developed from that material. The orthotic people are going to be checking with the leg surgeons to see what may need to be done. So it is going to be another wait and see.
