But that doesn't compare to the one he got us on today! Paula returned home from a week long missions trip to Utah and so this evening Luke suggested we get on Skype to chat. After chatting for a while, Luke said he had to excuse himself for a bit and we saw him wheel away from the camera. The next thing we see is Luke walking out of the room and down the hall and then turn around and walk back. Yes, I said "WALKING!!!!" We expected to see him hopping like he did to get around when we were at the Mayo clinic in March, but we were totally blown away to see him walking.
Here he got his leg on Wednesday, and Becki was the only one that knew. He really wanted to wait to let us find out when he flew in on August 5th and see him walking at the airport. But he and Becki figured that we'd somehow get wind of it before then and he did want to be the one to tell (well, actually 'show') us.
He told us that he was scheduled to get his leg a while ago, but it was right after he went into the hospital with the infection in his leg, so that delayed it. He saw his orthopaedic surgeon on Monday and she gave the OK and he got it Wednesday. He is supposed to have five weeks of physical therapy, but he's doing so well on it already, they'll probably release him after a week or two.
It was so great to see him up and walking around. And here he is!!