Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One Year!!

One year ago last night Luke was hit and one year ago today we flew out to San Diego to be with him. In some respects it has been the longest of years for us, and yet in others it doesn't seem that long ago that we were out there. It truly is a miracle that in this year he was able to go from the battered and broken body that we encountered when we arrived at his bed side, with all the tubes supplying air and nutrients to him and draining fluids from his wounds, as seen here, to seeing him walking, driving, fishing, tubing and hopefully soon returning to work.

Miracles happen through prayer and once again we express our deepest gratitude for all the support, through prayer, finances and friendships, that has been afforded to Luke.

So we note the passage of time, seeing remarkable progress and look to the future with anticipation for what God has in store!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Back in San Diego

After spending a busy two months with us in Meadville, Luke is back home in San Diego. During his time here we had an open house celebration with many friends stopping in, we spent a week fishing in Canada, a day in Pittsburgh at the Dithrich family reunion, and a weekend in Pine Grove visiting Paula's family. Of course there were several visits to Applebee's to visit all his friends there.

For the trip to Canada, we rigged up a rod so he could cast and retrieve with one hand.

He accomplished the unbelievable of landing two bass on one cast!

He quipped "Some can't catch one fish with two hands, but I caught two fish with one hand!"

Of course, he had to do some tubing as well.

Luke went back to Scope Orthotics for remeasurement and they found that his leg has shrunk about an inch. They are starting the procedure of making another socket for his prosthetic and will apply again for a more sophisticated leg. He has regained a little bit of in and out motion with his left upper arm. Previously, the most he could do was shrug his shoulder. We praise God for the improvement and pray for continued healing.

He is meeting with the Border Patrol to see about going back to work. More updates will follow as things develop.
