Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Luke spent the day recovering from yesterday's extensive surgery. The first half of the day was in the ICU where he received two units of blood. That really perked him up. This afternoon he was transferred to a regular room. He is still feeling quite a bit of pain, especially on his chest where the splint that is immobilizing has left arm is resting on top of the incision where they transferred the intercostal nerve. Despite that, he was determined to get himself out of bed himself so the nurses could change his sheets. With Paula and I pretty much just keeping all the tubes from getting tangled, he got up and sat in a chair next to the bed. Besides the pain the only other problem he has had are a few bouts with nausea.



Anonymous said...

You hang in there Luke. We're praying for your COMPLETE and miraculous recovery. God is good and he will honor your attitdue and faithfulness to him. God Bless. Can't wait to see you back in Meadville one of these days! stay strong. =^..^=

Our Four Sons said...

Luke is such a role model to so many. My boys continue to pray for him and ask about him and we talk about always having faith no matter how big the obstacle before us may be. I thank Luke for his example! We are all praying that he's feeling better soon and that healing continues.