Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Out of the Sling

Luke had a couple of follow up appointments with doctors this week. Monday he saw his orthopaedic surgeon to check the surgery to remove the random bone growth on his left leg. She gave him a picture of all the material she removed and it is hard to imagine how much had developed in his leg! He has another appointment next Monday to see if he is ready to have the staples removed.

Today he saw his neurosurgeon to check the nerve repair surgery he had done at the Mayo Clinic. Everything is looking good and he was finally able to take off the immobilizing sling he has worn since the surgery four weeks ago. He was very happy to finally be able to take a shower! The doctor wants Luke to work on range of motion exercises now but he is doing so well that he wouldn't need to see him again for several months.

The insurance company has requested a consultation by a specialty reviewer before making a determination on the microprocessor knee prosthesis that the orthopaedic and rehabilitation people are recommending for Luke. We should hear in a couple of weeks.

Luke is heading with some of his friends to spend the weekend camping at a country music jamboree.



Anonymous said...

Luke and family,
We're glad to hear that you lost the sling, and that the surgeries went well. We will pray that insurance company special reviewer is a good person and makes the decision that the company should help you get the recommended prosthesis. The great news is that you are going camping this weekend. Have yourself a fantastic time.
Jim & Judy Mornewewck

Liz said...

Thanks for the update. It's good to hear how well Luke is doing!

Beth (Dithrich) Shapiro said...

Have a wonderful time camping! You really deserve it!


Lois Kirkendall said...

Thanks so much to your dad for keeping everyone updated on your progress. We are happy to hear that everything seems to be going your way now. You are a very brave & determined fella. Keep it up. We are glad you get to go out & enjoy your self. Have fun on your camping trip. We like to camp, too.
Del & Lois Kirkendall

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update about Luke. have been keeping track of things and know we are still praying for all of you. Hope all goes well with the insurance company as I know sometimes they can be rough. Glad to hear he is able to get out with some friends.
Karen and Dave Shaffer

Anonymous said...

have been eatching for an update---how are things going? Pray that the insurance situation was resolved and that Luke can get the neede prothesis. We pray God is watching over this andall is well. Please update us when possible.
Karen and Dave Shaffer