Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Going Under the Knife Again

Luke had surgery today to remove the random bone tissue that developed in his left leg. Since it looks like it will still be a while before he gets a prosthetic leg, he decided to have it removed now. The two and a half hour surgery went very well although he did lose a little over a half a liter of blood due to blood thinners he is on. He is spending the night in the hospital as they put a drain in and plan to remove it tomorrow. He will also undergo radiation treatment on the leg to attempt to prevent further random bone growth.

The doctors are also attending to the dressings from the surgery he had done at the Mayo Clinic. He will have a follow up visit on his arm with the orthopaedic surgeon in three weeks. Until then he will continue to wear the sling to keep his arm immobilized.

--- Bill


Our Four Sons said...

I pray that with each hurdle Luke must overcome that he is filled with the peace that God is sovereign in all situations! We continue to pray for him daily.

Anonymous said...

We keep checking this site often and praying to God that all is going well and the healing process continues. Please know everyone in your family are in our prayers daily.

Karen and Dave Shaffer