We had a meeting this morning with his entire rehab team including his doctor, case worker and his therapists. Each discussed how Luke is progressing from each of their prospectives. The purpose is to make sure everyone is on the same page.
After saying goodbye to his visitors. Luke had lunch and his last visit from his speech therapist. He has progressed with his breathing and swallowing that therapy will no longer be necessary.
This afternoon Luke had an exhausting workout with physical therapy. He did several exercises with his leg. Then he used a walker and moved using his right leg and arm. Here he is with his physical therapist.

This evening the center had a Holiday Dinner Show. After a dinner of traditional Hawaiian food we were treated to a show by Heali'i's Polynesian Revue. I wish I had a picture to post of the dancers but they were so entrancing we didn't think to snap a photo!
Very special thanks to Jenna, Josh, Matt and Dustin for taking time away from family to spend time with Luke. We appreciate it and you can be assured it was a tremendous boost for Luke!
So great that Luke was able to have visitors from home. I know he knows that we're all there with him in thoughts and prayers. Keep working hard Luke......you CAN do it!! =^..^=
Bill, Paula and Luke,
It is so good to see all the pictures of Luke's progress. You are going to be just fine Luke. God did not spare you for no reason. You have a calling to follow and He will equip you for that call. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..." 2 Cor 10:4,5
Just has you have a purpose, you also have a Mighty God who is fighting for you, that no one can snatch you from His hand. And I am so grateful for that truth!
Luke, I know that most of us who follow your blog have no idea what you are experiencing. We can only watch and pray from a distance (which is not a small thing). But I pray that God will send someone your way that has been where you've been, where you are and has overcome it by the power of His might, so that you will be encouraged and strengthened to go beyond your own self and be able to experience all the joy that Christ said He came to give us.
I'll finish with one of my favorite applications..."Finally, brother, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think of these things." Phil 4:8 This is more than the power of positive thinking. This is truth!!
I love you guys!!
I have been following your blog daily since it was first posted in the Meadville Tribune. Jenna is engaged to my cousin so I've heard about Luke through her as well. The posts the last few days have made me laugh and cry. Many years ago my grandfather was left temporarily paralyzed and on a vent. It was an amazing journey that we went on as a family to get him through recovery. Reading your journey has brought back so many memories. I am AMAZED at the progress you are making. I am praying for you and cheering you on daily.
"God doesn't give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given."
A picture IS worth a thousand words. How amazing!! You all look wonderful. It is great to see you all smiling and to see Luke's daily improvement. We are so glad that you are able to be there with him through all of this. Luke is blessed with his family and friends. You both (Bill and Paula) are an inspiration! Dr. Kellogg and Staff
We are so glad to see that Luke is doing well in therapy. You have all been in our thoughts and prayers. It's so nice to keep up on his progress through this blog. Keep up the good work Luke!
Todd, Darlene, Tessa, & Heidi Hunter
I didn't make it to town today. It is storming and flooding out here in Potrero. The wife is in town babysitting 2 grandkids and I'm left home babysitting a blasck lab pup. Sometimes I think he is as mischievious as any kid. After a nights sleep in the garage he is super charged with energy. It's tough when its raining. The well quit working for awhile today. Points on the pressure tank got wet I guess. Sunny tomorrow i hope and I'll replace whats necessary. You look like you are making great progress.Red Lobster--not bad!! Ken
Glad you guys had fun at the Christmas Party and the tents were still standing from the wind storm!
Again, what a great time I had this past week!
It was so wonderful being able to share in many laughs and jokes throughtout the week and YES...even tears!
Love you all,
PS. FOR THE RECORD...I'm pretty sure I won at WII BASEBALL!!! Thats right LUKEY, you lost to a girl!!!! HA HA!
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