Luke spend the last day of 2008 with therapy in the morning and taking a nap in the afternoon while Paula and I got some work done on line. Paula also made travel arrangements to fly back to Meadville tomorrow. I will be staying for a while to get Luke settled back in his house, work on some modifications that may be necessary, and take him to some doctor's appointments next week.
Paula and I made a trip to his house this evening taking things there in preparation for his return. His wheel chair, walker and bath bench arrived today as well. We spent the evening playing the Wii and going through things to pack up. Then we welcomed in the new year!

We extend to all of you our very best wishes for a very happy new year and may God richly bless you as you have blessed us with your prayers, cards and comments. The new year will no doubt be the most challenging ever for Luke, but with his strength, determination, and great sense of humor, it will be a good one.
Graet Stuff....Happy New Year all.
Bill, Paula and Luke,
Happy New Year to you all. Though a lot has changed, we have a God that never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, Faithful and True is our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray His blessings are yours from the inside out and from head to toe, that you all will continue to proclaim HIs mighty works, so that all the saints may be encouraged and the name of Jesus may be praised.
Luke, I am praying that God will grant healing to your arm, by medical or by miracle. And I pray that He works mightily in and through your life to His honor and His glory. You are truly a gift to those who love you, even to those who have just heard of your story! Keep pressing on!!!
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