Luke had the swallow test this morning and passed with flying colors. As a result he was removed from all restrictions on his eating and drinking. I'd like to describe how much he enjoyed his 'normal' lunch, but I believe this says it all:

To celebrate this next step on his road to recovery, we had a special dinner for him. The weather was too nasty (wind and rain - typical weather for his old home town, Meadville!) to take him out so we we brought dinner to him from Red Lobster. Luke thoroughly enjoyed his shrimp alfredo but still has a long way to go before his appetite is back to the way it was before, when he was able to put down 110 shrimp scampi!

In between enjoying his meals he was able to squeeze in several hours of occupational and physical therapy. He is able to do a little more each day.
Bill and Paula,
Thank you both so much for our "family" dinner last night! We've really enjoyed our time out here and are thankful we were able to make the trip!
We were so blessed to be able to watch you this past week as you improved and overcome many things! We are proud of you for keeping a positive attitude and for keeping your spirits up! Keep up the good work and dont forget you owe us a tour of the border!
Love-Josh,Jenna and Matt!
PS- Bill, thanks for not cheating at cards tonight and before you leave the rehab center...Paula needs a tour of the "tunnel...." MAN! YOU'RE GOING TO BE BORED WITHOUT US!!!!!
I am from Meadville, PA and don't know Luke but I read this blog EVERy day and it brings tears to my eyes. Way to go Luke. What an inspiration. Please continue to update us as it is the first thing I do every morning is read your blog. My prayers go out to all of you. I don't know if Luke remembers Ryan Whitney from Meadville but I am his Aunt and my daughter helped at the Benefit at Applebees. She is 16 and doesn't know Luke but wanted to help. Ryan tells her wonderful things about Luke. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK LUKE and please continue to send us pictures and updates. It means alot to everyone back "HOME".
God Bless
Looking good Luke. Enjoy you REAL food......but remember a minute on the lips forever on the hips! hahaha
I am soooo happy to see everyone happy and doing well. Luke the rehab is hard work but you've proven over and over that you can do it. God has the strenght that you don't and because you've placed your faith in Him it will be all good. Thanks to all your family for their wonderful example. Each of you is an awesome testimony. That is a blessing to us. Stay strong.
Not only did Luke get his favorite meal & deservedly so), but the pic shows Bill hasn't lost his taste for Mountain Dew!!! Such shall continue at every MAYBS meeting!!
Thanks for posting all the pictures! It is so wonderful to see Luke's recovery. He has been and will continue to be in my prayers. God has done great things :-D Give Luke and Paula *BIG HUGS* for me. Love you guys!
Jess Heiss (formerly known by my PA friends - Baker)
Hey Luke! Jeff here, Rick's old roommate....or should I say, it's another FOOLEY!! :). I just spent the past couple hours reading this blog, & am so glad to see your progress. Rick has been updating me as well since the morning he learned of the accident.
I only wish the best for you and your family. Also, a belated Happy Birthday! You share the same B-day as my sister! I am excited to keep up with your recovery. Take care bro.
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