Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 36 - Bumped Again

Luke's elbow surgery was postponed again today after a couple of emergencies took precedence for the operating room. This isn't really a problem as the fixing of his elbow can be done at any time and is not affecting his recovery.

Luke had the first step of the swallow tests today. They are evaluating how well he can swallow with the trach tube in. First he was given some small pieces of ice to chew on and swallow. Then he was given some spoonfuls of water. Next he was given water with material in it to make it thicker. Since he did well with all that he was allowed a couple of spoonfuls of applesauce! His first food in 5 weeks! Tomorrow will be the next step where they will run a scope down to make sure food won't go into the lungs. He has exercises to do with his mouth and tongue to aid the process of getting back to eating.

A neurologist came in today and examined Luke's left arm. He doesn't have sensation in it and no reflex action. They are going to do an MRI on his shoulder area in the near future. Pray for healing that he will regain the use of his arm.



The Youngs said...

Sounds good that Luke can finally eat, still baby steps but steps nonetheless. Our prayers will be for his shoulder and arm, and of course you guys for continued strength.
Blessings from the Youngs

Anonymous said...

Maybe by the time we get out there we can order a large pizza with extra cheese and Luke can have a O.J to go with it!
So glad to hear he is doing so well!
Thinking of you guys always!
Love, Jenna

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,Mom & Dad
Luke all I could do is cry. I am so proud of you. God is really good. Your breathing for 36 hours on your own is an answer to our prayers. I read where you will only have your pain medicine when you need it . Your wanting some of your favorite food is a good sign. Feed this guy!!!!
God bless you.
Clare McConnell