Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 54 - Saturday Workouts

Today was Luke's makeup day for the therapies that he missed yesterday taking his 'road trip.' He pushed himself pretty hard with his arm and leg workouts. But after some rest he was able to get in some fun therapy on the Wii system with another patient. Later it was back to work with, what is probably the toughest for him, walking with the use of a walker. After his workouts he relishes a good nap!


1 comment:

Ed Schnurbusch said...

I talked with Bonnie & Mike yesterday. Mike was released from the rehab center a couple days ago. Luke and Mike have been shadowing each other in their progress since their accidents. I'm sure it won't be long before Luke is on his way home too. Luke, keep up the good work. You're an inspiration to many.