Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 41 - Another Move

Luke was moved this morning up the hall to room 535. It is still a part of Intermediate Care but a lot less crowded and quieter room. Again today he had quite a few visitors which kept him busy all afternoon and evening. I went to his apartment today to get his X-Box and bring in for him. He was very happy to be able to pass the time with his games.

Luke took a couple more steps towards getting the trach tube removed. He went the whole day today without the trach collar that supplies oxygen enriched air over the trach tube, so he was breathing room air. He also was able to still speak without the Passy-Muir valve over the trach tube.

Luke's right fingers were also very happy to find out that they don't need to be pricked any more to check his blood sugar. Since he is off the feeding tube and eating meals on his own that is no longer necessary. He will be on pureed food for a couple more days until the speech therapists come back and use the scope for another swallow study. If everything looks good he will be able start on more solid food.

He said the sensations in his arm are the same as yesterday. I am hoping tomorrow we will get a visit from the neurosurgeon and find out their plan to treat his brachial plexus injury.



Anonymous said...

Wow, It is so exciting to here of the progress every day, the answer to prayers. To be able read how God is working in your lives. The faithfullness of God's people and their committment to pray for your needs.
It was also wonderful to be able to give Paula a hug, and to talk to her and see her. We really miss you guys.
So stay strong Leroy hold down the fort until Paula returns, make sure you are getting proper rest and eating right. Luke is going to need you more and more as the progress continues.
Give him our Love.

Anonymous said...

Dear Luke, Bill and family,

Such wonderful news on your progress! Way to go LUKE! Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Keep up your great work and keep the faith. You have more angels looking after you then you can likely imagine. I consider all of the prayers that have been given to the Lord on your behalf and am simply in awe of God's grace.

Warm regards,

The Pengra Family
Of AGBF in Redmond, Oregon