Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 38 - Out of the ICU

This morning Luke made the first of what will probably be several location changes along the road to recovery by moving from the ICU to the IMU or for those of you that don't like acronyms from the Intensive Care Unit to the Intermediate Care Unit. This is the step between intensive care and a regular hospital room. It is a ward with six patients and nurses always in the room. It's a little more crowded from where he was, but it's moving in the right direction. The room number is 533.

He still has the trach tube in his throat but has been breathing on his own since being taken off the respirator last Friday morning. He was able to keep the one way valve on all day again today allowing him to talk freely. He did much better eating his meals today. He fed himself and was able to eat larger portions of his pureed food. He had an easier time swallowing. We continue to thank God for Luke's progress.

Luke had the MRI on his shoulder this afternoon to see if there is any structural damage that may be causing the numbness and paralysis in his left arm. Hopefully we will learn of any results tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

It is great to see the strides Luke is making and we thank God for his healing! It is obvious God is listening and answering the prayers of so many that have been holding you close to their hearts. We will continue to lift all of you up in prayer.

Love you all,
Gary & Sharon

Anonymous said...

That move out of ICU has got to be exciting, like measurable progress on his road to recovery. I was talking with another friend of your family yesterday and she was saying how this blog is like reading a good book. She can't wait to see what happens next. As many that continue to read your book, know that we are continuing to battle in prayer with you to bring Luke's recovery to its completion. Our God is faithful and His Word is true, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing (I think we are practicing this one), in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thess 5:16-18
And as Paul would say, "Grace and Peace to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

Kelly - Brian Dumm said...

It's great to hear that Luke's progress is steady in the positive direction now. You have more small victories to celebrate now....I just got a picture of you're newest grandchild (georgeous!). We're all thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear about Luke's continued progress. He seems to be keeping a positive attitude and not giving up. We all know this is an answer from God!
Congratulations on becoming a new uncle and grandparents!
Your friends,
Elaine & Mason Collins