Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 37 - First Meal

Luke had step two of his swallow test today. They put a scope in his throat just above his voice box and watched as he swallowed different types of food. He did good enough that an hour or so later they brought him lunch - mashed potatoes, squash, bean soup and vanilla pudding. Well, it's how he has to start before working up to cheeseburgers, shrimp and burritos! For dinner he had pureed meat, pureed peas, mashed potatoes and applesauce. He was able to take a bite or two of each but got tired out easily from working on swallowing.

Physical therapy and occupational therapy gave Luke a visit today and put him through a number of exercises and sat him up on the side of the bed. He has lots of exercises to do with these in addition to the ones given by the speech therapist.

Luke was scheduled for an MRI of his left shoulder area this afternoon, but ended up getting bumped to tomorrow morning because of an emergency. This is the one drawback to being in the ICU and needing procedures that are not critical.

Luke's current status is he still has the feeding tube in until he can eat enough. He has the trach tube in until there is no doubt that he will be fine without it. He has the pic line in his right arm for the IV antibiotics and occasional pain medication and he still has the catheter. His left leg is healing very well after the last surgery and the swelling has gone down considerably. He is weak from spending the past 5 weeks laying on his back, but his exercises will help him overcome that.



Anonymous said...

Dear Dithrich family,

This is Bonnie, your neighbor in room 4A. Please know, even if I miss seeing you, I ask the nurses how Luke is doing and follow this marvelous site to monitor Luke's progress. Everyone is cheering him on! The doctors, nurses and patients! Mike even asks about Luke as he's able to. It's all in the baby steps, and the baby steps add up to huge progress! Miracles happen everyday! Luke is a miracle. He encourages everyone. The nurses say it is their privilege and honor to assist him. Please know and be reassured, everyone, the staff, patients and loved ones of patients are sending their prayers, good thoughts and good vibes out for Luke. Luke, being the man he is, has made huge progress, which only goes to show his determination to live and suceed and thrive. He has a wonderful outlook on life which reflects on his upbringing. Your friend, Bonnie.

Our Four Sons said...

Sounds like he's really turned a corner. I continue to pray for continued overall healing and am focusing on his arm specifically. I'm sure he wasn't very happy with his meal choice, but it's great to hear he's able to get some things down.
Mandie m

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dr. Bill for the detailed updates. You and Paula are wonderful! To stop and consider how far Luke has come in the last 37 days is breathtaking. To see your patience, your love and commitment to your son, to hear you praising your Father in heaven is more than encouraging. It is contagious! Praise God!! And I'll say it again, Praise God!! Luke, you can be sure, even stake your life on this, that He who began a good work in you, WILL carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the updates. Could you tell us if Luke is completely off the respirator now. I am not sure if I missed that blog or not... Thinking of him.

Kelly - Brian Dumm said...

It is so encouraging to read continued positive updates now. Even though we may not leave a comment for every update, Brian and I anxiously wait for every one. What great news that Luke is able to eat (somewhat) real food now...has he gotten his orange juice yet?

Please know that we are always thinking of all of you. Have a very safe trip home for Becki's delivery...and give her a big hug for us!

Anonymous said...

We are so encouraged to know of all Luke' progress and full of praise to Almighty God! Thank you for your updates. I am always anxious to know Luke progess for each day and I am so excited to see God's plan unfold for Luke. There is no doubt that God has, and will, use him in a mighty way.
We miss you all at home and look forward to your return.
Much love,
Don & Jill

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates every day. It's the last thing I do before going to bed, to check this blog. Or first thing in morning.
Luke is becoming well known at my place of work, along with others asking for the latest updates. We continue to pray for all of you.
Sara & John

Anonymous said...

And OVERCOME he will!!!!!! Such great positive news each day. Thanks for your great updates Bill. I'm sure you know far more than you ever wanted to about this sort of thing, but how wonderful that you and Paula are able to devote so much time. Speaking of Paula....when is that baby due? It will be nice for you all to have that to look forward to. Hang in there Luke. Stay Strong!!
We're still praying.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bill, Paula, and family:

I am so happy to hear about Luke's progress. I periodically update the office about his saga.
Our family is praying for you that the Lord be your strength. I was reading Psalm 121 and thought of you:

I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

God Bless you all,

Jim DelMonte and Family

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear what you and your family have been through. I remember Luke from my MAYBS days with Becki. I am praying for you from Clayton,NC. Melissa Phillips ("Pekrol")

The Youngs said...

We are happy and excited with you for all the progress that Luke has made and will continue to make, soon enough there will be larger steps for you to tell us about, and we cant wait.
Thanks again for the updates and for your friendship.Sending our thoughts and prayers.
The Young's