Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 42 - Luke Goes Mobile

Luke continues to get stronger and stronger. His physical therapists were very much impressed with his ability to move himself to the edge of the bed with very little help and sit up on his own. They then assisted him into a wheel chair and I pushed him out into the hallway. From there he worked on wheeling himself using his right hand and leg. I snapped a picture of him so all could share in this great moment. You can click on the photo to view a larger image.

A doctor came in this morning and gave Luke some disappointing news. He has been wearing a cervical collar from the beginning and the original plan was that it was necessary for six weeks. Today makes six weeks and he has been looking forward to getting the collar removed. He learned today that now he has to wear it for three months. The MRI done on his head and neck last week must have shown that the fracture at the base of his skull and the damage to his vertebrae hasn't healed as fast as originally thought.

Luke said today that he has had some sharp pains in the tips of his fingers on his left hand. Hopefully this is another sign that he will recover from the paralysis in his left arm. He will be heading to surgery at 7:30 tomorrow morning to repair the end of the radius bone in his left elbow. This time it should be a go, barring an overnight emergency that would bump his surgery.



Anonymous said...

Dr. Bill, thanks for the updates again. Can't wait to see the pic of Luke free-wheeling! And though pain isn't pleasant, it is good to hear in this case with his left arm. God is good, all the time and we know that His timing and His ways are perfect. Luke is where he needs to be. I'll be praying for a speedy exit from that nasty collar, but I'm also praying God will give Luke the grace (and patience) until then.

It was so good to see Paula, to hug, to talk, cry and laugh together.

Anonymous said...

The collar for a few more weeks?? just a mere bump in the road......besides it will keep his neck warm! lol
Glad to hear that he was mobile and look forward to the picture. You hang in there Luke. You can do it!!!
Praying that the surgery goes well and on schedule.

FerryFamily said...
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FerryFamily said...

It's so good to see a picture of Luke! It's hard to imagine how quickly he's progressed in just a few short weeks!

We didn't realize there was damage to his vertebrae - we'll add that to our prayers.

Keep the faith. God continues to watch over you and bring healing to your body.

We love you,
Mike, Patty, Andrea and David Ferry
Redmond, OR

Anonymous said...

That's a photo I've been waiting to see. That's my good young friend Luke of whom I'm so proud.

Anonymous said...

I read the updates on Luke daily and think of him often. I'm so glad that he is mobile now and on a faster road to recovery. My prayers continue for your family.

Our Four Sons said...

Looking good! It's so good to hear about, and see, him mobile. Great things lie ahead!
Mandie M.

Anonymous said...

Good to see a smile on Luke's face :)!

The Donnellys

The Griffins said...

Luke Im sure it just feels good just to get out of the room and out of the bed! Its great to see a smile!! Soon enough you'll be out of the hospital!Cant wait to read that one!
Robert, Loni and Haeley

Ed Schnurbusch said...

Great to see a picture of Luke out cruising the halls. He'll probably be chasing the nurses before long.

Carly said...

Thanks for posting the picture -- it's great to see Luke!

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you want to put some rims on that thing. I think I got a guy that put NOS on it too.
-Jon Reisinger