Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day 64 - Discharge Date

As a result of our meeting this morning with the staff at Sharp Rehab Center, Luke is scheduled to be discharged this Friday. He will be going home to his house and adapting to life without continuous professional care for the first time in over two months. Paula and I haven't set any definite plans for returning home yet as Luke will be needing plenty of help initially in this adjustment. It will be several weeks yet before he will have a prosthetic leg to get around on.

It was therapy as usual today. This morning SCOPe Orthotics and Prosthetics came in and fitted Luke with compression sleeves that will shape his leg in preparation for his prosthetic. There are too many factors to predict a definite time frame, but he will most likely wear the sleeve for a couple of weeks before they will be able to make a cast for the prosthesis and then couple more weeks before it is ready.

This afternoon we took Luke for an EMG (electromyogram) on his left arm. This measures the electrical activity in the muscles at rest and during contraction. The doctor tested all the areas controlled by the brachial plexus. The results are inconclusive and he is going to study the results further, but basically there was no activity in the fingers, hand or arm. This is the baseline test and further testing down the road will be able to show whether there is any improvement. We remain confident that Luke will regain the use of his left arm. Pray that God will bring swift healing here as He has in other areas of injury and astounded doctors with his recovery.

Following the EMG we had another enjoyable meal out, this time at Applebee's.



Carly said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray for the miracle of healing of these nerves and for Luke to regain the full use of his arm. God has been so good and I hopefully look forward to a great 2009 for all of you. Just read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 this morning. This is a new season for each of us. We alll have our changes but God has it covered. God Bless. Stay strong.

Our Four Sons said...

I pray peace as you make yet again another transition. I will also continue prayers for Luke's arm.
Mandie M.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I am so glad that Luke is going home from rehab so soon! It is truly a miracle!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you all. We continue to extend our best wishes.

Patty & I became grandparents for the 2nd time on Christmas eve so are slowly catching up with Grandpa Bill & Grandma Paula!!

But of course Luke is the "prize" of the upcoming year as he continues to make good progress.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU. Luke, Congratulations on going home. Good luck in the year 2009 & we will be keeping you in prayer until we hear that God has completely healed you. He has you off to a good start. A miracle in its self. Take care & God Bless
Del & Lois Kirkendall