Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day 40 - One More Tube Gone

Luke was able to get the feeding tube, that ran up through his nose and down into his stomach, removed today. He's getting his old appetite back even though he's still getting pureed food to eat. We were told he is supposed to start getting some solid food to eat tomorrow but his menu choices were all pureed food.

Talk about answer to prayer! I asked yesterday for prayer for feeling to return to Luke's left arm and today he told me that he feels a little pain in his upper arm and has a slight tingling feeling in his lower arm. I still have not received the official report as to the nature or extent of the damage to the brachial plexus but am cautiously optimistic that the sensations he is feeling is the first step towards full use of his left arm and hand.

He did have his first experience with phantom pain last night when he was sure something was squeezing the big toe of his left foot but then realized that it wasn't there. Luke continues to be upbeat about his situation, even occasionally making an joke about it. There have been a couple times when it has got him down and no doubt there will be more, but I'm sure that his faith and strength of character will overcome.

Luke had a steady stream of visitors today which was good in that he was doing a lot of talking (great therapy for him!). It made him pretty tired after he ate his dinner and slept most of the evening.



Anonymous said...

Tube removal and pain sensations, this is such great news! Praise be to our God, who is mighty to save, who is our defender, our maker, our redeemer and the lover of our souls. When you all are up to it, updated pics of Luke and his family would be great to see. As much physical work God has done, I pray He does even more behind the scenes in your heart and soul. In Christ, you are more than conquerors and nothing can separate you from the love of Christ.

Anonymous said...

That arm will go to prayer at High Street Church this morning. Also praise for the improvements. God IS good and isn't it wonderful that he hears prayers from/for everyone at the same time. He cares for all of us just like it's been shown through Luke. Keep going Luke. You can do it!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new grandchild/nephew! Everyday it is such a blessing & inspiration to read about Luke's progress, attitude and how that affects others around him in such a positive way! What a testimony the Dithrich family is.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing news and definately good to hear, and I am really happy to hear of the positive outlook Luke is trying to keep. Thank you for keeping us updated and is there any word on where he will go to rehab? I send all my love to you guys and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please Luke many hugs and kisses for me.