Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 12 - Slow But Steady

Luke is holding steady today with slight improvement in a few areas. His urine output remains good and his creatinine levels continue to drop so his kidneys are doing better.

This morning he lasted an hour on his sprint. His lungs are also holding steady but he's not breathing strong enough yet to be off the ventilator. He has about reached his limit for having the breathing tubes going in through his mouth so they are going to do the tracheostomy at 9:00 PST tomorrow. He will be alot more comfortable with that. They have not yet removed the last chest tube.

The orthopaedic doctors rewrapped his left leg this morning. They may have the plastic surgeons check the leg as the skin graft may not completely cover the area.

Luke was also at his limit for the IV lines going into his right hand and arm, so they put a central line into a vein in his neck to give him his medications.

He still has the bacterial infection so today they moved him back to a single room and we have to put the gowns on to go in. Pray for Luke to get over this infection so his temperature will go down.

Luke was restless today and tried to sit up. But he was having a lot of pain so they increased his pain medication and sedative. He was resting better this afternoon.



Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill for the dailey updates. Just wanted you and Paula to know that you are thought about constantly and "whispers" of prayers, all day long for Luke and his family. We will again on Sunday, note that empty front bench where Bill and Paula sit every Sunday morning. We pray it won't be too long till we note your presence again. Always, always had much admiration for Luke, as part of the youth team, when they took part in Sunday morning worship (skits, preaching,etc). Just know that you are loved by your freinds at CCUB.
John and Sara, Henry and Mary Miller

The Youngs said...

Bill and Paula I want to tell you just to keep on being the strong christians that we all know and love. Its easy to see that many fellow believers are coming out of the wood work praying and truly expressing there feelings. I know that what you are going through is not easy, but rest assure that prayers from all over the country are for Luke to get well and to lift you and Paula up
God Bless

The Four Feathers said...

Isn't it amazing to know how much God loves us? That as you sit with Luke every day, the love you feel for know God loves him even more than you do? Wow...what a love. I'm in awe of that! I can't imagine what you guys are going through emotionally, physically, spiritually...on a daily basis, but I know God will take care of you...and Luke. He is so faithful. We continue to pray...we love you guys. Wishing we could do more!

The Feather's

Anonymous said...

We continue to lift you up in prayer whenever the Lord prompts our heart to do so and it is amazing how often throughout the day and night He does so. Will be heading to church soon and our class will be joining hearts together in prayer for you as well. Being able to follow Luke's progress is a blessing and especially to see how God is answering the many prayers for his recovery. May He continue to watch over you and meet all of your physical and spiritual needs. Miss you both and we need a scorekeeper Bill. Oh, and sorry about the Lions.

In Christ's love,
Gary & Sharon

TeveTorbes said...

Dear Luke,

We pray this prayer from James 5:14-15-16 for you today:

"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the chruch; and let them pray over him,
annointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and
the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." AMEN

The Pengra Family
AGBF in Redmond, OR

Anonymous said...

Bill and Paula, Another day closer to full recovery for Luke! God's Word is the sum of truth, He does not lie. Mark 11:23-24 tells us to beleive that we receive what we ask for, without doubting and it will be done. So I did, Luke's bacterial infection has no choice but to flee!! Just wanted to share some highlights of a powerful service we had this morning. Pastor Marc spoke on Psalm 33, how great God is, mighty and true, speaking the world into existence with His breath. Then more personal, how we are fearfully and wonderfully made, so intricate and how he holds us in the palm of His hand. Then we learned about laminin, a protein that is in each one of us. Not just any protein, but the very glue that holds us together. Check out the picture of it on google, you will be blown away!! Check out the shape of it!
Then read Colossians 1. Several folks came forward with cardboard testimonies, one side was what happened to them, the other side was the result of God's healing power. I am guessing there weren't many dry eyes today, I really couldn't tell through the blur of my own.
I pray for each of you many times a day, I pray encouragement and strength in your inner being and thank God you are relying on Him to pull you through. I know you didn't sign up for character building classes, but hang in there and finish strong. Remember "that we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

oops, didn't mean to turn this into a novel.

Unknown said...

Dear Bill, Paula, and family,

My mom shared your blog address and the news of Luke's accident with me today. I just want you to know that we will be praying for Luke (and your family!) continually in the days to come. May the God of all comfort be your constant companion. May His strength and healing wash over Luke like a spring rain.

Blessings to you and yours,
Heather (Hoffman) Underwood

Anonymous said...

God bless your family and Luke...he is so strong and a wonderful young man and I cannot wait to have him back with us making us laugh and brightening up our days. And though progress is slow its the steady and improvement part is the most important I will continue to keep all of you and Luke in my thoughts and prayers. Once again thank you for keeping us updated and give Luke all of our love from back here.

the Battin's said...


Linda Grover said...

Hi Bill & Paula,
We missed you at church today, but you're where you need to be right now. It was good to see your Mom, Louise at church. She looks good. We still appreciate the daily news about Luke. We also heard that Becki made it back to PA. We continue to pray for all of you- asking God to strengthen and help you during these rough days/nights. Waiting for the next update.....
Tim & Linda Grover

Anonymous said...

I really hope you get better and we are praying for you. From,
Alex Huston