Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 9 - Steady progress

Evening update: Luke did have the pressure on the ventilator lowered to 5 late this afternoon, so now he is on the lowest settings for both oxygen level and pressure. If he is able to maintain the oxygen concentration in his blood at these settings, the plan is to wake him tomorrow and have him breathe on his own. If he can do this and continue for a few hours, they will be able to remove the ventilator! Pray for him in this area.

The CT scan was delayed because there were several emergencies that came in today which, of course, take precedence. They did, however, take ultrasound readings on his kidneys. The final results won't be available until tomorrow, but had anything out of the ordinary shown up we would have known right away.

Luke must have gotten pretty fiesty with the night shift last night. They started him back on a low level of the sedative to keep him calm.

We talked to his kidney doctor (he's got more specialists keeping tabs on him than you can imagine!). She told us that his kidneys haven't really improved a lot the last day or so, but the very good news is that they stopped the decline in condition that he had been experiencing. That's why they cancelled the dialysis that was scheduled. She said this is typical that they will level off and then begin to improve.

His lungs are improving. They lowered the oxygen percentage on the air he is receiving to 40% which is as low as the unit will go. They also lowered the pressure on the ventilator from 10 to 7.5 and will probably decrease it again to 5 this evening, which is the lowest for that setting that as well. He is moving towards getting off the ventilator.

His blood work did show a bacterial infection in his blood and as soon as they get the culture they will be giving him an antibiotic to take care of it. He was running a slight fever yesterday.

He is scheduled for a CT scan this afternoon to look at his abdomen to check for any minor problems that may be there. This is just a standard procedure.

Once Luke wakes up he's going to need the time he'll be recovering just to read all the cards and well wishes he's received here. Thank you all very much from all of us.



Anonymous said...

This is such great news. I am continuing to pray and praise all day long. I am so glad you are taking the time to keep us all updated. Thanks Bill! Did you ever think there were so many people who love you all?

Our Four Sons said...

It is so nice to be able to return praise for prayers answered!

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear that Luke is doing better, every improvement is a blessing. I am in the military and also a full time nursing student and today at 2pm my entire school as well as many of my fellow comrads overwhelmed God's ears today with many prayers going out for Luke. We intend to continue this until Luke is better and back here where he belongs. Once again thank you for keeping us updated and remember if you listen close enough at 2pm everyday our love and prayers can be heard.
Jess Rossey

tml said...

This is good news. Please know our family is so relieved to hear he is doing better. Now please make sure you guys are taking care of your selves as well. Luke will need a strong family to help him through this. Keep the Good news coming.

Anonymous said...

Luke here is something for you to guess while your recovering since I'm anonymous. It should ring a bell. Can only imagine what people are thinking when they are reading this. For those of you that are its nothing serious just some funny memories.
Flash bangs in the pop machine hallway.
Run at them with a nade and the pin pulled!!
Pump shotty in the storage room.
And of course how could you not forget the projector room with all the chairs!

Jessica Hovis said...

I am constantly being blown away by the Lord's faithfulness to those who call upon His name...He has truly answered the prayers of hundreds and hundreds of His children who have been interceding on Luke's behalf. This is such a great witness to the spirits of everyone who believes in the power of prayer! I cannot wait until the day when Luke is fully recovered.. He is going to have such an amazing testimony to share and glorify the Lord with. As I continue praying for Luke, I really feel that many lives are going to be touched and changed through his story. Praise God!!!
Dithrich family - You are such an inspiration to many.. the way that you have been so strong and optimistic despite the situation.. It is so obvious that you have been seeking the Lord throughout this hardship and it is so encouraging that you have given God the glory for the all the battles that have been won! The Lord must be sooo proud of you...I'm sure He is looking down in awe of you right now!!
I love you guys!!!

Our Four Sons said...

I pray that the Lord keep Luke calm in this transition from sleep to wakefulness. It gives me goosebumps to think of the joy you will feel when he is finally able to interact with you and you with him. I pray that the transition goes well and that the Lord will hold you all steady and strong in His arms!
Mandie McCreadie

the Battin's said...

Praise God for so much good news! We are continually praying for Luke's recovery and for all of you to be strong. Thank you so much for the updates, it helps us to know how to pray...we won't let up!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for all His healing and grace He has given Luke so far! Luke has been on my heart more. It's very difficult to see patients come out of sedation, especially when they are disoriented and confused. He is very lucky to have parents like you, who are secure in the Lord's love & will. I actually had a dream last night that I was trying to take care of Luke and he was not being cooperative. He felt warm and I was trying to take his temperature. He was following simple commands, but was having trouble putting them together. I just thought it was ironic. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that he is continuing to improve. Coming off the ventilator is a big step, but it often times greatly helps calm a patient down if they are not fully sedated. Thank you so much for the daily updates. I bet you can get a college degree in the medical field from just these pass 9 days from all that you have learned!!!
With much love,
Jess Heiss (Baker)

Anonymous said...

All of you are in our thoughts but more importantly our prayers. It's great to be able to log into this blog to hear the progress Luke is making each day - it helps to know what to specifically pray for too! Thank you for taking the time to do that. God is so amazing! I know He has His arms wrapped around Luke as he heals; and also you guys to give you the strength you need each day. We pray for continued good news each day!