Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 24 - Scopes and Sprints

Luke did well again on his sprinting exercises. This afternoon he went for 40 minutes with the residual pressure setting at 10. They had set it at 20 and 15 in the past. The lowest setting they will use is 5 and from there they will increase his time until eventually he will be able to come off the respirator.

He had an x-ray of his upper chest to check his lungs and we were told that they are looking better. They also did another brachioscope and were able to remove some deep seated material from his lungs.

His medication settings for the day were 1.5 on the sedative and 12.5 on the pain medication - not the lowest they have been but very close. He rested most of the day but did come around a few times that we were able to talk to him. He probably won't remember these sessions, but it still is great to be able to talk to him and get a nod or shake of the head and the occasional smile. This evening he pulled Paula's hand up to his lips and kissed it!

We received an update today on the total amount of paid leave that fellow Border Patrol agents and employees have donated to Luke. Are you ready for this? It is up to well over 4,000 hours!! For the mathematically challenged, that is over 2 years! Praise God and our deepest gratitude to all the donors. Hopefully he won't need to use it all, but in case he does, it is a huge load off our minds to know it is there.

Luke will be heading back to surgery tomorrow to what is hopefully the last one on his leg. They plan to do a final cleaning and close it up. They didn't have the scheduled time when we left tonight. Pray for a successful surgery and continue to pray for his lungs and his low grade fever. His temperature was still slightly elevated today but it didn't get as high as it has in the past. Little by little, better each day.

I apologize for getting this on so late tonight. I usually try to get it put together and uploaded during the no visiting hours between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. Tonight we used that time to get on Skype with our granddaughter Isabelle to wish her a happy 5th birthday.



Anonymous said...

I am sure that the number of hours will just continue to grow. I just submitted my request to donate today. Godspeed brother and please get better.

BPA - Chula Vista Station

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the Border Patrol for all your support for Luke and his family. You have truly been a blessing to them. We thank God for the way he continually is working through all of this. Our prayer support will continue as will God's blessings upon you.

Gary & Sharon

Anonymous said...

My heart continues to be touched by the daily updates. Tears flow as I am so thankful for all the Boarder Patrol folks who not only responded to the request, but are themselves requesting, to sacrificially give to Luke and his family. With the donated time, money, prayers and support, you are a great example of what Unity is all about. You are the wind beneath their wings. Praise be to our God. Paula, I bet that kiss was as joyous as the day you gave him birth. You can be sure, as the sun rises each day, that we all will be lifting Luke up before the throne of grace, praying for Luke's body, heart and soul. And you can be sure the one and only Lord Jesus Christ will show Himself faithful and true.