Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 5 - Progress update

Late Edition: More positive news! The percentage of oxygen in Luke's ventilator has been able to be reduced. It had to be very high because of the problems in Luke's lungs which prevented oxygen absorption into the blood. Yesterday it was 80%.
It had to be that high to keep the oxygen count in his blood at 100. They have been dropping it throughout the day today and when we left Luke at 10:00 tonight it was down to 50% and he was maintaining the oxygen count in the blood. The air we breathe is 21% oxygen. They are hoping to get it to 40% and they can begin the process of Luke breathing totally on his own. They also gave him a couple of treatments to first draw fluid from the tissues into the blood and then help the kidneys flush it out. This too was successful.

Bulletin! Results of the X-Rays on spine taken yesterday ... no damage to the thoracic or lumbar vertebrae. Luke is now in a partially inclined position. This will help with the clearing of his lungs.

Luke remains sedated as he continues his long recovery. Last evening they took X-Rays of his spine to make sure there is no damage there. The final reading from the radiologist has not come back yet, but if it comes back OK they will be able to raise Luke up from his laying flat position.

Luke was showing some cloudiness in his lungs so this afternoon they did a procedure where they put a scope down and checked all the bronchial passages. There was some blood which was most likely from the impact. They also found a blood clot which they removed. This should greatly improve his oxygen intake. The ventilator is set at 12 breaths per minute and he is currently registering 16 which means he is taking 3 or 4 breaths a minute on his own!

We anxiously await the time when he recovers sufficiently to allow them to lower his sedation to the point where he will be awake and able to respond and communicate with us. Could be a day or two ... could be several days. In God's good timing.

As always, thanks so much to all for your prayers and support.



Kelly - Brian Dumm said...

Brian and I really appreciate you taking the time to provide the daily updates. We are constantly praying for continued strength and patience for all of you during this time of waiting...waiting until you can communicate with Luke.

Anonymous said...

I think and pray for all of you daily - especially Luke. All of this reminds me of my sister's accident - only difference is she had brain damage. I'm so glad to hear that he is constantly improving. Also, thanks for the updates - it is very much appreciated.

Unknown said...

We also appreciate your diligence in keeping everyone updated. We are constantly praying not only for Luke, but for the rest of you out there keeping vigil. Luke is in the Lord's care and in addition to us asking God for healing... our prayers are asking Him to ease the pain and suffering that Luke will be experiencing once he comes out of the sedation. We have friends and church members also praying for Luke. Hang in there, I believe Luke has already come thru the worse of all this. Love, Linda, Gary, John, Char and Uncle Mel and Helen.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this trying ordeal.
Our son, Shane, works with Luke, and has told us many wonderful things about him.
We wish you the best, and hope for continued good reports on Luke's progress.

Mary Lou and Leo Kennerson
Canandaigua, New York

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news about the x-rays. Is there anything you need as a family that we can provide other than prayers?

Mike, Bonnie, Andrew and Morgan

Anonymous said...

We are friends of Bruce Rhein. We are so sorry for all that Luke & all of you are going through & our prayers are with all of you & especially with Luke. We have other prayers going out for all of you & are so glad that Bruce sent us this link so we can keep up on all the updates, which I check every day. We have had so many prayers answered for our family & even miracles, so we just pray for the same for all of you. God does hear them & answers them in his time. God Bless all of you. Lois & Del Kirkendall

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the Prayer Warriors posted on Luke's progress. God is so good, yes, all the time! As Luke battles, we also battle for him in the spiritual realm. May our Great God and Father encourage each of you in the coming days ahead. And as always, if there is anything your church family can do, please, please let us know. We love you all.

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Erin Hipple, and my parents live down the road from you. I knew Luke when I was growing up. My mom just told me today what has happened. My thoughts are with Luke and all of his family. My parents have asked me to pass along their telephone number to you in case you should need help of any kind ....they live right down the road from Luke's parents. So, their names are Jack and Pat Hipple and their number is 336-3983. He is such a sweetheart. And strong, too.
I will be praying for him.

The Four Feathers said...

We are always thinking of Luke and wish we could do more, but we will continue to pray. Thank you for keeping us updated, it helps us to pray specifically for what is ahead for Luke. We love you and can't wait to see you all again!
Mike & Lisa Feather

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Govenor (Bill), Paula, Ben, & Becki

We have an awesome God. He is a mighty healer. Know that Luke and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. The days will be long but each step is in God's hands. He is a strong young man and has a wonderful spirit.

Love and prayers Kim Hart

Anonymous said...

Hello Bill, Paula, and family, Glad to hear a good update at church today. You are constantly in in our thoughts and prayers. The prayer requests have beed spread to many churches and by the way Bill (little league too) and we pray that you feel the love and support from all of us! Sincerely, RYan, Joy, Kyle and Megan Mudger

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts, hopes, and prayers are with you! Luke is such a strong and caring and loving person - he is showing that in his will and strength to live and be with his loving family! The Lord is with him, and will stay with him until he is healed. Please know that our thoughts, prayers, and positive healing thoughts are with Luke!

Joe, Erin and Neil Fucci

Anonymous said...

My husband is an agent and had just begun working with you on your shift. Luke - there just aren't enough words to really express how much we care about you and your recovery. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB! Stay strong, stay positive and know that you are loved by all!

The Schwinn Family