Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 27 - Holding His Own

Luke held steady today, resting for most of it. This morning he sprinted for 30 minutes at 5 and 15. This afternoon they let him sprint for 45 minutes but still at 5 and 15. He needs to get down to 5 and 5 and then they can let him sprint longer.

Everything else is holding pretty much the same. He still has congestion in his lungs and continues to run a slight temperature.

Paula is decorating his walls with a small portion of the multitude of cards that he has received.



Anonymous said...

Bill & Paula - Sorry it has taken me this long to get a note to you. We are just able to access the blog at CHS and since the McCurdy's are in the dark ages with no internet - well you know!!!! We have been praying fervently for Luke and also for all of you. My mom (and Karen) have kept us posted and we are so excited that Luke is progressing each day. Many small steps add up to big steps - we learned that when we dealt with David's illness. God is so good - He gives us what we need for the time that we need it. I am SO thankful that He is in control and always knows what is coming next. I'm sure we couldn't stand it if we had to deal with everything at once. Just trust that He is able and loves Luke more than we ever could imagine. That was always so comforting to us. God is using this awful time to minister to people all around the world. Even though this is the worst thing you guys and Luke could deal with - God is making good things come of it. Miracles are happening daily!!! People who don't know Jesus are hearing it as they check up on Luke's progress. What a witness and he isn't even able to speak!! God has more great things planned for this young man - we all know it. You guys hang in there - get enough rest (hard to do away from home), eat something besides hospital food (same old, same old), and keep up your trust level. Give Luke a kiss from us!! Bud and Cathy

Anonymous said...

Bill and Paula,
Trying to get caught up with all the updates and sure do appreciate reading them daily. Know that God is good and he is watching over all 3 of you out there. Also find comfort in knowing there are so many prayers going your way. We will be thinking about you over the holiday and just remember that you have much to be thankful for this year even though right now it seems like endless worry. Put your trust in God and he WILL see you through. Please tell Luke that he is in our daily prayers Happy Thanksgiving.

Karen and Dave Shaffer